Wednesday- Wellness and Wisdom
5 Steps to Stop the Drama Drain Train
Do you feel exhausted? Do you find yourself listening to other people complaining and do not know how to stop the conversation?
5 steps to tap into your intuition to make decisions
Watch the video to know the steps to tap into your intuition to make decisions.
3 Step Breast Cancer Healing Journey Roadmap
Healing is possible. Transformation is inevitable.
Believing is the first step.
The 5 keys to overcoming Emotional Flooding
How to self-regulate when “sh*@% hits the fan.
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3 Keys to Make Unshakable Decisions Following Your Inner Wisdom
How do we know “what to do”, “where to go”, “what choices to make”? Join me on: Facebook group:
The 5 keys to transforming Powerlessness into Power
Health/Life/Work Challenges can leave us feeling powerless.
It is possible to turn powerlessness into power..
here is how to!!