“Yes To My Life” Academy Coaching &
Mind-Body Psychotherapy
What is “Yes To My Life” Academy
Coaching/Mind-Body Psychotherapy?
“Yes to My Life Academy services” blend life/wellness coaching and mind-body psychotherapy.
As a certified personal and professional coach from the Coaches Training Institute since 1997, I have coached hundreds of people and got coached by some of the best coaches. Overtime, it became obvious to me that despite my best efforts, I felt stuck in manifesting my life’s purpose. I felt “dumb founded” to see that some of my clients, despite their best efforts and intention could not shake off the fear that made them feel stuck. They felt more defeated than before our coaching together because they could not explain why they resorted back to “old patterns of behavior.
In the Summer of 2012, as I was making a last ditch effort to manifest my vision to blend in life coaching and trauma yet the word trauma did not “jive” with the world of coaching. After all, I did not want to be the “Debbie downer” of that world. Coaching was created with the intention of moving people forward and therapy addressed issues of the past including trauma. As one of the co-founding members of the local chapter of the International Coaching Federation, I truly believed in coaching and its power to help people manifest their dreams. Trauma was never part of the conversation and it was clear to me that the coaching world attempted to differentiate itself from the psychotherapeutic world. I wholeheartedly endorsed that, yet my personal experience steered me in a different direction.
As part of my effort to validate my “intuitive claim” in finding a correlation between childhood experiences and physical illness, I came across the ACE study (Adverse Childhood Experiences) which was just gaining wider media exposure. I was stunned and thrilled to find out that there was a legitimate study proving my point that, in fact, there was a direct correlation between adverse childhood experiences and illness. To bridge the gap between my coaching training and therapy, I decided to enroll in the Hartford Family Institute (HFI) mind-body psychotherapy program. Two years later, as I separated from my husband of twenty-three years, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was now time to put my new professional experience into personal practice.
The integrative work that I did at the HFI saved my life and gave me the “gumption” to enroll in the Smith College School of Social Work MSW program and become a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker.
I now specializing in working with clients who have lived through adverse childhood experiences and know first hand the impact of their childhood on their overall health. Most of my clients experience one or more of these symptoms: digestive issues, cardio-vascular issues, auto-immune diseases and unfortunately cancer. I offer a safe space to reconnect with the emotional stress that got “lodged” in the body and re-establish a balance between body- emotions-mind and spirit. Freeing stress gives people more vitality, clarity, life force and hope for their life to be truly an expression of their wants and dreams.
How is “Yes To My Life Academy”
coaching/mind-body psychotherapy different than
other type of coaching or therapy?
“Yes To Life Academy Coaching™” is a body, heart, mind and spirit process that will empower you to:
- Calm down your nervous system, experience safety and feel at home in your body.
- Authentically express your emotions, without shame or guilt.
- Feel empowered and committed to take action towards what you want.
- Love yourself and trust in your heart’s wisdom.
- Speak your truth.
- Be guided by your vision and intuition.
- Connect to your “higher” spirit.
By connecting past experiences to your current roadblocks, you will reclaim your health, gain tools to process your emotions without feeling overwhelmed, be clear minded and feel supported to move forward towards what you want.
Clearing the past, frees up the energy that is needed to mobilize towards taking action towards manifesting what you want in life, work and business.
Fear will no longer paralyze you. You will be able to transform fear into passion, power, purpose and prosperity.
Why would I choose YOU as my
“Yes To My Life Academy” Coach/Psychotherapist?
- We both have to connect and resonate with each other and get clear on what you want to accomplish.
- To make sure that this feels right, I invite you to a 30 minute “Yes to Thriving Beyond Trauma” Breakthrough session.
- We will “laser in” on a very specific question/dilemma that you face.
- As you get guided to work through this situation, you will experience the “Yes To My Life Academy” coaching and mind-body psychotherapy process.
- At the end of that thirty minute, we will spend fifteen minutes debriefing our interaction and decide if this is a “good match” for both of us.
- Click here to schedule your “Yes To Thriving Beyond Trauma” breakthrough session.
What should I expect as we work together?
Step 1: “Yes to Thriving Beyond Trauma” FREE breakthrough coaching session
Step 2: You will receive an intake form that you fill out prior to our first session.
Step 3: We will spend reviewing the intake form and set goals for the next 6 months and one year.
Note: There is a minimum time commitment that varies from 4-6 months minimum.
You may wonder why a time commitment?
Because it has been my experience that whatever has held you back in the past will show up again. The commitment is towards your process in working through those challenges. I will be there with you every step of the way. The more energy and commitment you will invest, the more results you will get.
How do I get started?
Is Coaching & Mind-Body Psychotherapy for everyone?
Not necessarily. If you are feeling temporary limited financially or cannot dedicate the time needed to meet and focus, you may need extra resources. I happily provide you with those resources (if I know of them).
If you find yourself in the midst of an emotional turmoil, the resources on the trauma page may help in finding your way back to center.
When you sign up for the “Yes Thriving Beyond Trauma” Breakthrough FREE session, we both can determine what would be most helpful to you.
Click here to connect with me.
What is the difference between individual sessions, workshops or group coaching?
Even though, you will get private attention if you ask a question while being in a workshop or group coaching series, you will understand that I am not able to dig as deep with you on personal issues. Workshops and group coaching events are created to have education, practice and personal applications in the context of the topic.
Individual sessions are 100% focused on you, with the intention of supporting you in overcoming whatever stands in your way of you achieving what you want.